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본문 제목

어렴풋한 드라마의 기억...


by 소리외쳐 2011. 3. 30. 23:51


슨 드라마였을까? 음악과 관련된 것이었는데....고등학교 때였을것이다. 자세한 기억 없음.

나중에 친구녀석이 지금의 와이프를 얻기 위해 배경음악으로 썼더군....
그 뒤 제목도 모르고 있던차 친구가 제목을 알려줬다. 당시 최초의 P2P 였던 Napster에서 며칠을 검색해도 나오지 않던 것이 몇 년 전에 집에 놀러 갔을 때 앨범을 선물받았다고 하면서 소개를 해주었다. 

당연히 무단복제를 하고 이렇게 여유있게 음악을 듣고 있다.

내용은 그리스 신화 오이디푸스. 참~ 노래만 듣다가 가사를 보니 전혀 다른 느낌. 끔찍하군.

제목 Oracle

Once and Oracle warned of danger to the King of Thebes
For his life and for his child
So from the crib he took his new-born son
Gave him to a herdsman, filled with pity
Could not kill the child but left him tied against a tree
Found by a peasant who took him to his masters
Where he was adopted: Oedipus they named him 
After many years the King was travelling
When his way was blocked by a chariot
He ordered him to move away
But because e was slow to obey
They killed his steed
The stranger's name was Oedipus
He, unaware, had killed his father
Little did he know he would soon be King
So the prophecy reached fulfilment
The warning of the Oracle had had its way

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